Tuesday, 8 January 2013

MONDAY 7-1-2013
As usual our class at DST nothing change.But today we have to bring our laptop because we are going to comment other blog.Before we start commenting others blog,sarah and I are presenting our essay topic again to make sure that there is no more problem regarding our topic.Zubaidah and Ani also doing the same things.The topic that be approve by Miss Zu for Zubaidah group is about handphone.I can not remenber the full topic.Congratulation Zubaidah and Ani..Bad thing happen in class when we can not use the internet excess,without internet we can not doing our task taht given by Miss Zu.Miss Zu disided that we have to move to the library because there is no internet excess at DSP.
We use library computer to finish our job for today.
Love Your Library

1 comment:

  1. I think the problem that we encountered a few days ago due to internet maintenance. So, why don't you use a broadband or something.
